I Love Reading is a unique literacy program designed to facilitate the rapid learning of reading English. 

This program takes the complexity out of the English language and makes decoding words easier and faster by helping early learners to grasp the English language from a young age. 

The I Love Reading program takes the English Phonetic Code, technology developed by the Mamone family, and packages it into a practical and easily understood resource for literacy development.

Through the ILR program, students quickly move from 'Learning to Read' to 'Reading to Learn'. From here, the rate of learning increases and the learning environment becomes a place of engaged students exploring educational concepts, skills and ideas, years ahead of their expected levels.

We have developed a number of frameworks to support:


Educators implementing the ILR program into their learning spaces.

Early Learning

Early Childhood educators who have the opportunity to expose children to reading concepts through play.


Parents who wish to encourage and support their child on the journey of learning to read.

Tutors & Other Educators

Tutors who teach individual or small groups of students including those of ESL backgrounds.

Why choose ILR?

ILR is leading a new learning paradigm which challenges the slow transition of school systems from the archaic industrial model to the 21st Century digitally enabled learning environment.

About ILR

How ILR works

ILR utilises a unique colour and number system to identify the key phonetic sounds in the English language. English language has numerous and conflicting rules for reading and spelling.

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Join with us

If you would like to join our mission to challenge current literacy practices, we welcome you to connect with us so we can explain how ILR may work for you.

Contact Us

Our mission

Here at ILR we are on a mission to develop young people who can read to learn, build skills for their future and lead with integrity and purpose to shape a better world for all humankind.

"I believe this to be the best program i have ever seen for developing the reading, writing, and comprehension skills of young writers."
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The ILR Program supports young readers on their journey to literacy. 

Cooper is currently 6 years of age and completing Year 1. He is reading at an advanced level; with a reading age of 11 years. The English Phonetic Code not only allows Cooper to read and decode words more easily, it also helps him develop a deeper understanding of what he is reading. This will help him as he moves from 'Learning to Read' to 'Reading to Learn'.


In this video we see Nia explain the English Phonetic Code.

7-year-old Nia is a confident reader who loves being immersed in a world full of stories. She has a reading age of 11 years and engages with texts at a high level. Nia particularly enjoys mysteries and developing her skills with the ILR program, allows her to read in per passion with fluency, expression and understanding.


Success Stories

ILR has proven to be a very successful literacy program which targets a range of students of varying backgrounds and literacy levels. We are excited to share with you a number of case studies which demonstrate the power and success of the ILR Program in advancing children on their literacy journey.



Annie’s parents are profoundly deaf; one with no hearing at all and one with severe hearing loss.

Their hearing impairment impacted their speech, and they were concerned that they could not model effective speech and sound formation for their daughter.

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Bradley’s parents speak English as a second language.

While they do try to speak English at home, they mainly use their first language. The English Bradley hears at home is different to the English he hears at school, and with his friends.

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